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Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2)
Magic Hour (DayBreak Book 2) Read online
Magic Hour
Meco Brown
Dearest Taideo,
I sincerely apologize for breaking my promise to never leave you, but not only must I go, it's become too much of a burden to know, that I am the cause of so much sorrow currently moving throughout Olah. The thought of your grandmother's constant tears has broken my long extinct heart; knowing full well that I am the sole reason she cries so hopelessly at night. But if I must be honest; through the town's grief, through your grandmother's pain, I've somehow found the strength to do what I should have done since the very beginning...
There's nothing more important now other than the thrill and pull of sweet revenge. But, before I journey out into the cold night, you must know...... if there is one thing I must be grateful for, it's you and the love you had for me. I consider myself a lucky man for you to have ever loved me. In all my years, I've never been taught the beautiful lessons you've given me, Taideo. To know our love was a gift from the maker himself; and 'that' love, is something to be forever cherished. As I chase Terra, know the vengeance I feel shall soon play out, as I plan on searching every corner of the Earth, until I bring her down and strike upon her the second death. Until we meet again, my love;
I release you.
It's now October seventeenth; about three months have passed since Taideo was murdered; Three months that I've been tracking Terra; Three months which led me to her place of residence. It was here on a large Mediterranean Island- a sort of lonesome paradise surrounded by the dark, harsh and wicked sea; that I'd hope to come face to face with that she-devil of a witch.
“Where are you, Terra?” I question quietly, while making my way down the white sandy beach, and notice along the surface of the ocean, that it appears to shimmer in the faint Coruscant light of a million stars. In the far distance of the land, several magical bonfires burn in the sand, and dancing figures gather around each of them.
Gypsy Assassins, I think to myself.
Whether Terra knows I'm here or not, she's prepared for a fight with her small army of monsters. These human-bird creatures are of red and gray visage. According to the magical community, these infamous, unholy soldiers of fortune are most sinister and vile. On any other day, I'd do my best to avoid them all; I'd lay low, behave and focus on my very reason for living- I'd let the love Taideo poured into my heart take over, and change me in ways I'd never thought I could be changed; I'd turn my back to all forms of danger, and soak in the fact that he resurrected my humanity.
But that would be no more. That part of me is gone; His death now fueled my anger. Taideo knew that I was a creature of primal rage, and I fought to keep that part of me in check with my own particular code of honor. Now, I felt it necessary to let loose. My love for Taideo, combined with the growing disgust of Terra's actions, was a deadly combination, more ferocious than water and electricity. Taideo's death left me with a deep penetration of excruciating pain, and I intended on sharing every bit of it with Terra, starting with her low-level Gypsy Assassins.
I rapidly went through my plan in my quiet thoughts; my first and foremost priority was to find Terra. She held absolute precedence above all else, but her little army stood between us; I knew if I was to remain unharmed, I would need to wrap my skin in an exoskeleton made of telekinetic energy; but doing so would prevent me from using my ability offensively. With speed and strength alone, I should be fine if I concentrated on keeping my shield surrounding my body.
“Here goes nothing.” I said, passing through a thick bush of thorny weeds, when I suddenly came to an abrupt halt, and dropped to my knees, gasping for air. I froze helplessly, as I succumbed to what seemed to be a forced premonition, which evoked a painful twitch of agony. I tried fighting off the somatic sensation, but it washed over me like a tidal wave; It was a spike through the brain, a glint of anguish not even my witch-like healing could mitigate.
A barrage of images flood into my mind of the battle that lay ahead. Impressionistic, subliminal burst of images and color flash by, first of my original plan to use my shield and attack the first group of three men assassins, then five women; But flames soon surround my body, I buckle under the mighty heat and succumb to the harsh prick of multiple weapons.
I immediately feel my body reeling back, clamping my head as the vision ends abruptly. I take a moment to rethink my situation, while gasping wearily from the rush of the vision. “Lillian...” I muttered quietly as I stood to my feet. Since Taideo's death, my cousin- Lillian, has been sending me helpful, but torturous visions to help me on my journey. Ever since I left home and my coven, this was the only way Lillian felt she could help. I always knew what the visions showed me, typically meant a warning of what I would do wrong, in this case, I'd just have to go full beast mode.
The wind blew through my short midnight black hair, as I lunged high into the night sky; With an angry cry torn from the deepest parts of my being, I forced open my arms, summoning a violent fury of telekinetic power.
Crimson glory chopped through the air, as if I had opened a door to an erupting volcano, and watched as the raw blast of energy, excavated a trench directly to the bottom of the beach, on top of a half a dozen of my enemies. Excruciating yells filled the night sky as the little army prepared for battle. My gaze flickered towards three others down below, and sent yet another bolt of my power in their direction, destroying them on impact. I heard a yelp of desperation as more Gypsy Assassins arrived, barreling toward their fallen comrades. “Come out Terra!” My voice let out in a raspy yell, as I descended toward the ground; All while calling forth a small but powerful shock-wave, that spread as my feet dramatically touched the ground, knocking several Gypsy Assassins over like bowling pins.
The harsh windy sound of metal sweeping the air caught my attention; I twisted my face and barely dodged the sharp delivery of a katana sword. I glanced over my shoulder and took in this assassin’s taller profile. “Your fate is sealed.” It said in its native tongue. I straightened my back and held its black beady eyes in my own.
“Failure isn't an option; not until Terra is slain.” In my peripheral vision, three more assassins arrive, each one crouched, their movements slow and cautious as they move toward me. With all my weight, moving in a single fluid attack, I sweep a series of kicks to my opponents, who try to fight back, but are unable to. My body, like a machine- unbelievably fast, I toss them five jackhammer punches. With a wicked THUD, their heads slam into one another, blood spraying from the hurricane-like force of my attacks.
I should consider myself lucky, Gypsy Assassins no longer possess magical talents other than heightened senses. Their kind was cursed by the Nioeaon some millennia ago. So, to survive, they've taken up the art of the Samurai, using a series of magically imbued weapons to take on opponents.
My last adversary lay on the ground, gasping for air. It glances at his fallen partners on the sandy beach and struggles to reach for its weapon. I easily sense panic in his eyes as his claws tighten around the handle of the long blade; But my heightened speed is much faster as I lunged forward in a nimble sprint, shattering the creature's arm as it writhed in unwanted torment.
My body twists around as a faint laughter wafts through a light breeze. Six flashes of lightning illuminate a massive 16th century sea-front palace, sitting atop a stone-like hill. “Found you.” escapes from my lips, just as I lunge forward like a phantom. In half a second, I'm inside the luxurious palace; Standing in the center of a great round room, encircled with small flaring orbs that burn with an unnatural intensity. Hit with a shiver of curiosity and wonder, I use my telekinetic power to pull the flames of orbs near me, and venture up the stairs, peering up into the darkness. My eyes immediately adjust to my surroundings and the darkness altogether vanish. I navigate up a circling flight of stone steps, twisting its way into the tallest tower of the palace; With my power, the orbs of fire follow my every move. I soon find myself facing a vertical cross-way, that stretches into yet another patch of darkness. I continue, knowing well that my still heart is burning as the thought of Terra's soon to be death nears. Her scent was getting stronger the further along I moved.
Another short chuckle of laughter sent a shiver down my spine, and I pivoted completely to face the direction in which it came from. I follow the sound around the corner and stop as I come face to face with a great wooden door. I can sense the devil herself on the other side. This was it. It was here I'd end her for what she did to Taideo, for what she did to me. Standing there brought me back to the gym, when Taideo was attacked by the demon; The memory of that day opened so clearly into my mind, surprising me as it brought me into a different frame of emotion entirely. I felt fear of not being capable of destroying her. Terra's an evil witch who just so happens to be swimming in a lengthy supply of magical vitality. DayBreak wasn't for another three hours, so I'd have to face her with the energy I had left. Perhaps using my powers so wildly against her Gypsy Assassins wasn't a smart idea. “No,” I shrieked as quietly as I could. Terra murdered the love of my existence, and I would return the favor. If I die in battle, I'll be sure to bring her down with me.
My body spent in a deadly circle and I forced out a swift kick at the center of the door. The frame splinters with a splitting CRACK, and the door flies open, revealing a bright light from within. Sharp-eyed, I continue towards the open doorway. In the center of the room, I could make out the backside of a tall pasty white statue. An Egyptian man perhaps? From what I could tell, he wore fine Egyptian robes, and valuable gold bracelets.
“What took you, my love?” At the far end of the rectangular shaped room, stood Terra. She enters from the open balcony. Her white face gleaming menacingly as she slowly closes the massive gap between us. “Did you not think I knew you've been chasing me all this time?” She questioned with a ripe grin.
“If you knew, then why run? Afraid?” I ask, slowly edging the outline of the room.
“Of you?” She grinned widely. “What have I always taught you, Airius? Always have a plan. Your chasing me all these many months was part of my plan.”
A puzzled feeling swept within me and blurred my focus when she said that. Why would she need me to chase her? Was that really part of her plan? “Lies!” I barked loudly. Her wild dark purple eyes were clouded with mystery.
She cocked her head to the side and grinned another creepy smile. “Oh no, it's the truth. I needed to distract you.”
“By killing Taideo!” Anger surrounded the words I spat at her.
“Oh,” she said with a light chuckle, “your little Taideo was part of an even bigger plan.” She said, while eyeing the side of the statue.
I continued walking, folding my arms in pure Alpha-male fashion. “What plan?” Perhaps before I proceed with killing her, I should know more about this so-called plan.
“Spirits of the past shall return. The one true king of kings will rise, to reshape this world in his image. He will reclaim the throne and bring upon us black sky.” Terra let out softly.
“What the hell are you talking about, Terra?” None of what she said made any since to me, and made me want her dead just as much as before.
“See for yourself.” She whispered.
My eyes slightly narrowed in a fit of confusion as I circled the room, till the front of the statue met me face to face. Staring up into his face, I am immediately struck with the realization... “Taideo?” I whisper to myself. “How?” Even in this delicate lifelessness state, his beauty is downright breathtaking. “What is this?” I demanded angrily.
“You know nothing of our history do you, Airius? All the lessons I tried to teach you, just didn't stick, did it?”
“Lessons?” I snapped at her, but kept walking and watching in my peripheral vision, making sure I never let her out of my sight. “Long after I was made into this monster, you found me at an all-time low, Terra. Forcing me to commit atrocious acts against men, women and children.”
She laughed at me. “I forced nothing on you that you weren't already curious about. You as well as I grew tired of siphoning energy simply during DayBreak; You wanted more and I showed you how to get it.” A flash of anger ignited within me, as I tried to tear the images of my past from my mind. I felt the jolt of my past dance before my eyes, then focused abruptly, as if I were looking through a pair of binoculars. I saw myself; It was the late 1900s, when I tore into the throat of a local fisherman.
I remember feeling his body relax as his light faded from him and into my mouth; The taste was like liquid sugar. As I drew the last drip of the fisherman's energy out of his system, his wife and young daughter kept the nutrient coming. Every intake of their life-force grew my own wisdom. Their energy- strength, carried into me their life from beginning to end. I knew all they knew; Beliefs and behaviors, intelligence and secrets, right down to their geographical place of origin. Draining them made my face start to color, sending my deadened pulse into a temporary rush of speed. It was a glorious high, that quickly sent me on a downward spiral.
Together, Terra and I, along with her junkie-like coven, nearly drained all of South Asia. It was during this time I nearly drank from a newborn child, until an unearthly scream cut across the room- the newborn's mother. Her scream was absolutely horrifying; It jerked me back to the present.
I was standing still, my eyes focused on the ground. Shakily, I looked around. Even though I knew Terra didn't notice my strange trip back to the scene of our murders together; She did seem a bit confused at my odd posture. “W-what does this statue have to do with Taideo? What plan are you speaking of?”
She didn't answer, just watched me.
“You killed Taideo.” I told her, wanting her to admit it.
She nodded. “We needed him dead Airius.”
“Who? You killed your own coven Terra, who the hell else was left that you care or cared about?” I snapped quickly at her.
“I'm talking to him,” she said calmly. “I claimed you Airius, so long ago. You were mine, and you left me; Only to fall in love with that,” she scoffed angrily, “that half-breed!”
My hands fell to my sides, and curled into a tight fist. “You are sadly mistaken, if you ever think I'd allow my heart to blend with yours.”
Terra's eyes popped with anger, while her fingers eerily danced toward the ground, causing bright flashes in the sky, followed by a loud burst of thunder. “You think that insignificant meat sack could protect you like I can? Don't you see, Airius? I can protect you from any and everything. I can make it so you never feel loss again. I love you Airi-”
My hand automatically went up to silence her from finishing that sentence. “I know all about heartbreak and loss. I'm living the exact definition of misery, in which you cannot protect me from.” I took in a deep breath. “The last three and a half months Terra; Being withou
t Taideo isn't a life; I'm merely existing.” I point my finger directly at her, “You took him away from me.” The magical venom in my body was on fire; I felt it burn through my veins as my internal organs flooded with pure raw fury.
“You don't understand why his death was necessary. I didn't kill him just to try and win you back; But it was part of it. Our connection isn't yet finished Airius; Incomplete stories tend to carry on when you least expect it.”
With one single chop to the neck I could end this. Just like anything else beneath me, Terra is extremely fragile, and I wanted to shatter her. With Taideo dead, my desire to see Terra meet an end truly stung my silent heart.
“You still mean everything to me Airius, you know, that right?”
I felt as though I was on the verge of exploding, from all the raw hot pressure that was building from inside of me. I hate her and she must know it. Terra oddly thought what she did to Taideo, was something that she sickly believed would bring me into her arms. If that was what she desired, it wouldn't come true; All I wanted was to squeeze the life right from her heart.
“You, Terra are nothing but an irredeemable monstrosity set on world domination. Every fiber of your being disgusts me, Terra. You are nothing, and Taideo is everything you wish you were. I hate you for what you have done; And I, will kill you”.
I slammed the flaring orbs right at her face, but she dodged each one, as if she knew where they'd land.
Her speed matched my own as our bodies moved toward one another; Terra slipped under my legs, grabbing onto both of my ankles, and summoned a column of fire that stung me to the core. I let out a roar of pure agony, and watched the grin of evil widen over Terra's face. The pain brought me back to a memory I held deep within my mind; The moment I found Taideo after Terra's assault. She killed him, threw him from the balcony and continued her attack on everyone else, murdering all, but leaving my coven and I alive.
After chasing her for what seemed like hours; I circled back, only to find Taideo's lifeless and bloodied corpse, glued to an enormous pile of gigantic sharp rocks. Because I was too focused on fighting Terra, instead of finding and protecting Taideo, I let him die. Regret grew into me as I was flooded with a wave of darkness. My love and sense of loss for Taideo pulled the pain to the surface, and I felt a sharp thrust enter my numb and dead heart.